Clothing Accs.
Camping Gear
On the trail, the most important meal of the day is the one you’re about to eat. Gerber's ComplEAT tool has the bases covered with a fork, spoon, spatula, and 4 function multi-tool that nest for transport as well as snap together to convert into functional tongs. Cook, eat, clean and get back out there.
Mealtime in the backcountry often equates to lugging multiple utensils in prime real estate: the backpack. Gerber took a look at the process as a whole, from prep to clean up, and delivered an innovative tool that solves for all of it.
The ComplEAT is comprised of 4 components: spoon, fork, dual-sided spatula, and a 4 function multi-tool
All 4 components together weigh less than 2.5 ounces, and nest together for a slim storage solution
Rather than leave those useful tongs behind, the ComplEAT offers a unique solution: create them instead
Mealtime in the backcountry often equates to lugging multiple utensils in prime real estate: the backpack. Gerber took a look at the process as a whole, from prep to clean up, and delivered an innovative tool that solves for all of it.
The ComplEAT is comprised of 4 components: spoon, fork, dual-sided spatula, and a 4 function multi-tool
All 4 components together weigh less than 2.5 ounces, and nest together for a slim storage solution
Rather than leave those useful tongs behind, the ComplEAT offers a unique solution: create them instead
Gender: | Unisex |
Season: | All Seasons |
Size: | -- |
Colour: | -- |
Weight : | 65g |
Dimension : | Length: 19.685 cm Width: 3.81 cm |