A burner that allows you to enjoy teppanyaki cuisine on a special extra-thick iron plate.
In order to enjoy teppanyaki on the table, we designed the height of the main body as low as possible while suppressing the radiant heat to the table. You can remove the iron plate and use cooking utensils with a pot diameter of minimum Φ18cm to maximum Φ27cm on the trivet.

*When using the GS-430 Teppanyaki Enburner, use a "cartridge guard" to prevent the temperature of the gas can from rising due to the radiant heat of the special iron plate and pot, and use it as far away from the gas can as possible. If not used, the internal pressure of the gas can rises rapidly due to abnormal overheating of the gas can due to the special iron plate or the radiant heat of the pot, and there is a risk of explosion or fire.

*This product is for outdoor use only. Do not use indoors, in cars, in tents, etc. There is a risk of death from carbon monoxide poisoning or suffocation due to lack of oxygen. Please pay attention to ventilation in narrow spaces even outdoors. Be careful not to burn yourself as the equipment is hot during or immediately after use. Also, please be careful not to let children touch it.
Gender: Unisex
Season: All Seasons
Size: --
Colour: --
Weight : 5 kg (2.9 kg for dedicated iron plate) (excluding storage case)
Dimension : 360 x 330 x 90 (h) mm (excluding hoses and device plugs)

